Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Expressões coloridas

Percurso obrigatório é a visita aos mercados, onde lhes sinto a alma através das cores intensas, e do leve aroma a menta, que se confunde com o das especiarias, entre lojas de tapetes, bugigangas, e o que as gentes berberes trazem das suas hortas nas aldeias mais próximas. É lá que me perco nas apertadas e sinuosas ruas, onde tanta coisa acontece ao mesmo tempo.

Coloured expressions – The visit to the markets is an absolutely compulsory tour, where one can feel their soul through the powerful colours, and the light aroma of mint, that gets mixed up with the scent of the spices, amongst shops with rugs, bits and pieces, and what the Berber people bring from their vegetable gardens from the nearest villages. That’s where one gets lost in the narrow and twisted streets, where so much happens at the same time.